
Rick Santorum

Creep of the Week I'm sure glad my last name isn't Santorum. For one thing, I wouldn't want to be related to Rick Santorum. For another thing, his name means [...]

Time marches on, and on

Parting Glances I recall a cartoon that appeared in The New Yorker magazine a goodly while ago. It appeals to old timers. Like myself. Two or three Walt [...]

Westboro thrives on publicity

BY Keith Orr I have a history with the Westboro Baptist Church. They picketed me. I was not the first. Their first pickets go back to the 1980s. They would [...]

Propaganda and Rights

S/he Said "Some of these radical gay groups are willing to do anything in the world to have their way of doing sex legitimized by this country. They'll tear [...]

What do you think of the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church? It says the WBC's protests at soldiers' funerals are protected speech.

I hate the Westboro Baptist Church as much as the next guy, but if I am allowed to say hateful, degrading things toward them, then they should have the right [...]

From Tahrir Square to Hart Plaza

Like the rest of the world, I was glued to the television watching the events in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt. The 18-day protest against the rule of former [...]

John Boehner

Creep of the Week Well, he did it. President Barack Obama announced his administration will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, [...]

Law and LGBT rights

S/he said "You can't say you are for equality and yet acquiesce in exclusion from the central social and legal institution of this and virtually every [...]

Leave diapers behind!

Parting Glances It was bound to happen sooner or later. After 40 years of the spearheading Ex-Gay Movement – founded in 1970 during the onset of the [...]

What do you think about Facebook's addition of "civil union" and "domestic partnership" to its relationship options?

Kinda legal sounding. Not bad, but glad I don't have to put those down. I personally like the "it's complicated" option. – Betty Jean Cassidy "Separate but [...]

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Farina's Banquet Center provides all inclusive packages and on-site Event Coordinators. With…
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The AIDS Committee of Windsor provides client advocacy, support, harm reduction, health promotion…
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