
Vision America

Creep of the Week Every year, the annual Conservative Political Action Conference is a hot bed of anti-gay ranting. CPAC 2011 was no exception, despite the [...]

Brent Bozell

"Homosexual activists" are at it again. Just when you thought it was safe to watch prime time TV, gay propagandists have taken airwaves and are doing [...]

LGBT rights, culture

Compiled by Howard Israel "LGBT rights are not special rights; they are human rights. My Administration will continue to strongly support human rights and [...]

Moon us up, Ronnie!

"The gay lobby does not own the rainbow," boasts Jennifer Roback Morse, a harried looking, biblically myopic, one man/one woman marriage Cassandra and [...]

Told You So

by John Corvino I first discovered the gay-themed Doritos ads when a friend sent me a link to one titled "Told You So" with the question: "Is it okay for me [...]

Heard on Facebook: Gov. Snyder 'frustrated' 'bout gays

What do you make of Gov. Snyder, who's "frustrated and disappointed" about Michigan offering domestic partner benefits to state employees? It's about damn [...]

Gay stamp of approval

By Leslie Robinson I've kept a secret for years. Now it's time for me to come out–as a stamp collector. I'm throwing off my shame. I'm a nerd and I'm [...]

Gordon Klingenschmitt

You know what gay people need? Exorcisms. It's the only way to get rid of the gay-making demon lurking in the homosexual soul. And who better to do that [...]

Heard on Facebook: What to make of Obama's support of civil unions - but not gay marriage?

Typical Democrat lip service to a constituency that votes for them. Only when there is competition between the two parties can we expect any progress on LGBT [...]

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