
Letters to the Editor

'RENT' was a success I attended the opening night of RENT at state fairgrounds and it is excellent ("It finally pays to 'Rent,'" BTL July 16). The youth did [...]

Queeries: The Great Oral Sex Dilemma, Swallow or Spit?

By Steven Petrow The Great Oral Sex Dilemma: Swallow or Spit? What do you do when a guy unloads in your mouth? It's an age-old predicament and one with no [...]

S/he said: Rev. Jerry Prevo, President Barack Obama, Brad Pitt

compiled by Howard Israel "I am happy to see that the mayor realizes that the majority of the people of Anchorage do not feel that this is a necessary [...]


Parting Glances I don't look gay. I don't act gay. Ever since I discovered at age six that I was "that way" – odd, different, light in my loafers – I've made [...]

Creep of the Week: Maggie Gallagher

When beauty queen Miss California Carrie Prejean stood up at the Miss USA pageant and declared her support for "opposite marriage" I personally thought, "Who [...]

Dear Jody: What's up with her big mouth?

What's up with her big mouth? Q: I just moved across the country to this area six months ago. I have no family here, and it has been hard to find friends. But [...]

Hate Crimes and Congressional Farce

By Diane Silver Political IQ Get ready to laugh. I'm going to lead you through the twists and turns of one of the most ridiculous places known to humankind: [...]

Creep of the Week: Sen. Paul Stanley

I've come to a conclusion: Sanctimonious anti-gay politicians are more likely to be hypocritical adulterous pricks than other segments of the population. [...]

Parting Glances: Our peg house or theirs?

In 1953, a madam by the name of Polly Adler wrote a tell-all best seller about her 30 years in the brothel business, "A House is Not a Home." It created a [...]

Viewpoint: Oh Lord, Right Now

During my weekly spin around my virtually expanded LGBT community, I came across the blog post "Where is our war room?" and slowed down to see just what "Tif," [...]

Creep of the Week: Peter LaBarbera

The topic of health care is on everyone's lips, and Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, "a group dedicated to exposing the [...]

LGBTs must defeat stigma, create dialogue to gain black acceptance

In reading "On the Same Side," I had a reaction (BTL July 23). I'm familiar with arguments typically used by black Americans to express opposition to gay civil [...]