
Creep of the Week: Chuck Colson

George W. Bush handed out Presidential Citizen Medals on Dec. 10, laying one on none other than Chuck Colson. "For more than three decades, Chuck Colson has [...]

Snapping turtles, anyone?

Parting Glances A federally funded study by People & Friends of Cats and Dog (P-FCD) says that "persons of rainbow personality make the best dog owners, [...]

The Odd Couple

by John Corvino Glenn Stanton is a friend of mine. He's also badly wrong about same-sex marriage, and I tell him so – frequently, publicly and sharply. Glenn [...]

America needs to take note of Canadian attitude toward gays

I watched Dr. Phil the day he had people in his studio fronted by the con side of Prop. 8, including Maggie Gallagher of NOM and Pastor Jim Garlow. I read the [...]

Creep of the Week: The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

Did you know that gays are rioting across the country against the Mormons? Oh, you know how gays are. Do something to spite them, like passing an anti-marriage [...]

Mombian: A season of thanks

By Dana Rudolph It is supposed to be a time to give thanks, but the news is getting grim. Papers are carrying stories about children of same-sex parents [...]

The Crunch Who X'd Christmas

ONCE UPON A TROUBLED TIME, there was a Crunch (distant cousin of a Grinch) who with malice of no thought kept poking an X into Christmas, like so: [...]

Creep of the Week: Ted Haggard

Guess who's back, back again? Shady's back, tell a friend… While I'm sure Eminem never intended to write Ted Haggard's comeback theme, I simply can't help but [...]

Not there yet

by John Corvino I have a confession to make: I'm getting ever so slightly tired of the reaction to Prop. 8. I know I shouldn't. I know that the loss in [...]

To hope or not to hope, that is the question

by Rev. Deb Dysert MCC Detroit clergy staff I wonder what the history books will say about us. Fifty or one hundred years from now, what will the historians [...]

Worth 1,000 words?

Alfred Eisenstaedt's 1945 photo "The Kiss at Times Square," taken at the end of World War ll, is honored as one of the pictorial moments "that changed the [...]

Creep of the Week: Mike Huckabee

It's never too soon for 2008 presidential also-rans to begin running again, and that's just what ultra conservative Republican Mike Huckabee seems to be doing [...]

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Detroit Regional LGBT Chamber of Commerce is published by Pride Source Media…
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Life can be challenging. Therapy can be life-changing. Live the life you were intended - happy,…
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Ruth Ellis Center (REC) was established as a 501(c)3 nonprofit in 1999. We envision a world where…
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