
Billy Masters

"I don't feel like I need to share my personal life, and I don't care if people think I'm gay or not. I don't have a problem discussing the topic of somebody [...]

Creep of the Week: Sarah Palin

Say what you want about Sarah Palin, but she held her own on Saturday Night Live over the weekend. She was doing what she does best, mind you: looking good [...]

Joe the Plumber: Dreaming the flawed dream

Joe Wurzelbacher may be finding his new-found notoriety a nightmare following the intense scrutiny of the media on every aspect of his life, but for many [...]

Crazed Christian candidate

by Leslie Robinson When it seems like the USA is saturated with Christian fire-and-brimstone folks categorically consigning gays to hell, take heart: other [...]

Creep of the Week:

Woe unto the scared shitless anti-gay conservative in a state like California. Ever since the courts gave the go-ahead to legal marriages for same-sex couples, [...]

Days of Our Wimples

"I've got good news, bad news," the unmistakably seductive voice of Sr. Serena Scatterpin awakens me at dawn from a sound, debate-free sleep. "It must be [...]


compiled by Howard Israel "A new national survey, nearly nine out of 10 (87 percent) of heterosexuals said that if someone were to come out to them as gay, [...]

Working the refs for equality

by Chris Crain To hear Sarah Palin tell it, there's no disagreement between Republicans and Democrats over extending full equality in legal recognition for gay [...]

Breast Cancer: The Race for a cure is ours

My sister did the "Breast Cancer Three Day." When she first told me she was going to walk sixty miles over three days I thought she was crazy. I thought she [...]

Creep of the Week: Arnold Schwarzenegger

May 22, 2009 will not be Harvey Milk Day in California. May 22, 1930 is, however, the day Milk was born. November 27, 1978 is the day he was assassinated, 11 [...]

The Dating Diet: Chillin' At The Straight Bar, Yo!

By Anthony Paull The whole gay bar scene is so last hunting season, so last herpes breakout and so utterly obvious that I can't help but find it quite a snore [...]

"Soften your image, Aquarius!"

By Jack Fertig Horoscopes Venus and Mars are moving into difficult aspects with Pluto and Saturn, respectively. Recent efforts at seduction are likely to go [...]

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