
Make the bullies stop!

by Sean Kosofsky All Politics is Loco Imagine Hell. Now imagine hell for a fourteen year old. Your day begins with a strong urge to stay in bed. Not because [...]

Parting Glances:It often starts with...

… a stranger passing on the street. An unexpected reminder of someone you knew a long, long time ago. Someone about whom, until now, you had quite forgotten [...]

The Dating Diet

By Anthony Paull Come closer. I have a sweet little secret. I like penis. Oh, wait. That's not a secret. That came out in kindergarten. The real secret is [...]

Creep of the Week: John McCain

You can judge a lot about a man based on the company he keeps. When Louis Farrakhan endorsed Barack Obama this month, Obama was quick to distance himself from [...]

General Gayety: The royal treatment

by Leslie Robinson The most prominent person due to attend a Dutch gay rights conference is a future queen, and I don't mean a teenager with a tendency toward [...]

My apology to black women for gay America and Charles Knipp

by Jasmyne A. Cannick Viewpoint At this year's State of the Black Union, Dick Gregory apologized to President Bill Clinton on behalf of Blacks for our role in [...]

Parting Glances: Let's leap times four

I spend February 29th late lunching with three friends. Nancy. Treena. Ellen. A painter. A gallery coordinator. A poet. All straight. All avid fans of BTL. We [...]

Pregnant and Miserable

By Dana Rudolph Andrea Askowitz is pregnant – and she's grumpy. In "My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy" (Cleis Press, May 1, 2008), she shares her [...]

What's your vantage point?

by Rev. Deb Dysert Last weekend I went to see the opening of a movie called Vantage Point. It was a fantastic movie, pointedly illustrating the lesson that [...]

Anything But Straight: Where is the Gay Jesse Jackson?

by Wayne Besen As the nail biter of a presidential race becomes more uncertain, the only thing guaranteed is a good cry on Inauguration Day. Electing our first [...]

Creep of the Week: Brandon McInerney

Senseless. That's the word everybody throws around when something unspeakably tragic happens, like a 14-year-old boy shooting a classmate in the head in the [...]

Creep of the Week: John McCain

{ITAL John, John leprechaun went to [campaign] with nothing on. [Religious right] told him what to wear: [anti-homo] underwear!} Okay, so I took some liberties [...]