
Reclaiming the Roots of Heritage

Viewpoint One of the curses of homophobia is the disconnect we often feel from our family. After we come out we are often excluded from those family [...]

Creep of the Week: Mike Huckabee

As the race to the White House heats up, it's inevitable that candidates will have their pasts drudged up and held up for scrutiny. Take former Arkansas [...]

Hate Crimes Humbug

by Sean Kosofsky All Politics is Loco Of course it was too good to be true – actual inclusion in federal hate crime laws. But as certain as snowfall in [...]

My meatloaf brings all the boys to the yard

By Anthony Paull The Dating Diet Pardon me. I've been misguided. I was under the impression that the fastest way to a gay man's heart is through his [...]

Parting Glances: Good question, PP!

Padre Pio, the notorious Italian monk, is back in the news. He was canonized on June 16, 2002. (How could you forget?) For 50 years his body was said to bear [...]

Who 'counts' in the LGBT community?

BY Chris Crain ViewPoint A new poll showing Hillary Clinton with a big lead among LGBT voters raises fundamental questions about who 'we' are and whose voice [...]

Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, John McCain

Creep of the Week For those of you who missed the Nov. 28 Republican Presidential YouTube debate you missed seeing an old veteran get kicked in the nuts. The [...]

Gay Moralist: Young Love, Older Love

by John Corvino My partner Mark and I introduced "Bob" and "Jim" at a dinner party at our place. Bob, 31, is recently out of the closet, and Jim, 27, just [...]

Moving beyond acrimony to action

Viewpoint At some point in each of our lives we "drank the Kool-aid." Some charismatic leader, organization, religion, political party, politician and/or [...]

Parting Glances: Brokeback Won Ton, anyone?

Brokeback Mountain, the groundbreaking movie of same-sex sheepherder corrallin', stile jumpin', romancin' in the Montana wilderness, as of last month scored a [...]

Coming out and the

by Kate Kendell Viewpoint In a recent interview, I was asked when I first "came out." For those of us of a certain age, in my case 47, coming out meant [...]

Creep of the Week: Georgia Fuller

Pop Quiz: What do you call it when a transgender candidate wins a City Council election in Riverdale, Georgia? Answer: Fraud. At least that is what you call it [...]