
The Need for a Non-Judgmental Community Conversation About Drug Use

"Drug addict," "philanderer," "lifestyle" … these are the pejoratives that substance abuse professionals used in a workshop I recently attended at a national [...]

Letter to the Editor: The Danger of Youth Vaping

I want to call to your attention the issue of young adults using e-cigarettes and targeted marketing toward those youth. E-cigarettes are on the rise in [...]

Parting Glances: A chance encounter with Dr. Heath

As a gay teenager I hung out at the Hub Grill in downtown Detroit, a greasy spoon of a place, located on the corner of Farmer and Bates Streets. It was in [...]

The First in Michigan: Part 2

Editor's Note: Dr. Dennis Jacobs and his partner were among the first openly gay couples to adopt a child in Michigan. This editorial piece is a continuation [...]

Creep of the Week: Evangelical White House Dinner Guests

Food poisoning sucks, y'all. I just vomited with such force that I'm fairly certain some major internal organs have left my body along with my soul. And, to [...]

Creep of the Week: Cardinal Raymond Burke

Welp, child sex abuse in the Catholic Church is in the news again and, gosh, wouldn't you know it, the Catholic Church is trying to blame it on the gays. [...]

Parting Glances: To Pee or Not to Pee ...

I can be thinking contentedly of a dozen things — of sealing wax, cabbages and queens — but let me get 100 yards near my studio and without the slightest [...]

Faith-Based Service Refusals in State-Sponsored Foster, Adoptive Care is Illegal

There are more than 13,000 children in Michigan's foster care system who are need of permanent loving and supportive homes. The State of Michigan through the [...]

Creep of the Week: Brett Kavanaugh

Imagine that you are applying for a job. Your prospective employer asks to see a resume, references and a cover letter laying out how your experience matches [...]