
Parting Glances: Memories of a Near-Forgotten Past (Pt. 5)

Fifty years ago Detroit's Washington Boulevard was a busy setting for exclusive shops, upscale restaurants, elegant bistros stretching sedately from Grand [...]

Transmission: November Hope

by Gwendolyn Ann Smith The 7th of November was the 40th anniversary of Harvey Milk's historic victory in San Francisco, becoming the first out, gay elected [...]

Creep of the Week: Roy Moore

Judge Roy Moore speaks at the Values Voter Summit on Oct. 13. (Image courtesy of the Washington Blade via YouTube) As of this writing, five women have accused [...]

Faith Matters: We Matter

BY RENEE MCCOY When the movie "The Color Purple" came out in 1985, I had a disturbing conversation with my mother. She had neither read Alice Walker's book [...]

Who Gets Remembered

BY GWENDOLYN ANN SMITH The 20th of November is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. This year will be the 18th observance. It was my work with the Remembering [...]

Creep of the Week: Franklin Graham

Wonder Woman made me gay. At least, that's what I like to tell people. Since I am old I'm, of course, talking about the TV show starring Linda Carter, not the [...]

Parting Glances: Memories of a Near-Forgotten Past Pt. 3

Detroit's imposing, massive, block-wide Masonic Temple was built in 1922, or, cornerstone dated 5022, following the Hebraic custom of noting the inception of [...]

To the LGBT Community: Remain Engaged in the Political Process

BY ERIC RADER As we near the end of 2017, our sights turn to 2018 and the many challenges and opportunities that await in the new year. Few of us will be sad [...]

Creep of the Week: Donald Trump

When the Trump era is written about in history books, assuming we survive that long, if there are any heroes in this sordid story those heroes will be federal [...]