
Parting Glances: Hands up! (One arm bandits)

After picking up art pieces left at Metro Times — used to illustrate a review of my January Scarab Club show — extremely favorable, I'll modestly add — I wade [...]

Creep of the Week: Albert Mohler

By D'Anne Wtitkowski "Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it…" Homosexuality in the animal kingdom is a well-documented fact. And now, thanks to [...]

LGBT community should fight to regain health benefits

ACLU attorney Jay Kaplan is right, we DO need to rally at the capitol! Everyone should be aware that the Michigan Supreme Court is composed of Federalist [...]

Ask the Diesel Dyke: All work and fun on Caribbean cruise

By Lena Thomspn So, 2007 started with such a bang, I had to skip writing this column for one month, because I've just been so busy! Did ya miss me? Well, I'm [...]

General Gayety: Middle man

By Leslie Robinson At last an NBA player has come out. I think we should celebrate. Somebody go cut down a net. Former NBA center John Amaechi has joined [...]

All Politics is Loco: Wolves in judge's clothing took our benefits away

By Sean Kosofsky They came in the wee hours of a Friday morning. They hunted us like prey. They waited quietly, stalking us for ten months, and then they [...]

Anti-gay co-worker makes cubicle life hellish

Q: I am having trouble with a co-worker who is now sitting right across from me in a cubicle. She just moved to our department two weeks ago, and it has been [...]

Parting Glances: Berries for a state visitor

It's not an up-tempo day. I awoke this morning only to discover that my pipes are frozen solid – no cold water to temper the hot water for my invigorating [...]

The bully connection: How Hollywood slurs affect LGBT teens

I am not big on network television. I have never seen "Survivor," "American Idol" or "Desperate Housewives." My viewing preferences generally consist of [...]

Viewpoint: Political correctness wins out in gay candy ad controversy

By Chris Crain Under pressure from gay groups, the candy maker Mars pulled a TV ad for Snickers that aired during last week's Super Bowl showing two tough [...]

Creep of the Week: Ted Haggard

Here's a story problem for you. A train carrying a nationally known evangelical pastor leaves the station at 11:23 a.m. traveling 69 miles per hour. If the [...]

Letter: Challenges of parenting not affected by sexual orientation

In the Jan. 25 edition of Between The Lines, John Corvino wrote about the deprivation argument against same-sexed parenting, "(w)hatever you think of the [...]