
Decision Day: When The Supreme Court Rules

Michigan for Marriage is currently planning events across the state to be held on Decision Day this month. The day the Supreme Court rules on marriage will be historic.
The Right Reverend Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr., the Tenth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan; Congressman Dan Kildee; former Republican Speaker of the House Chuck Perricone; and AFL-CIO President Karla Swift are co-chairs of Michigan for Marriage and are dedicated to protecting all Michigan families. When the U.S. Supreme Court rules on marriage equality this month Michigan for Marriage will hold events across the state. Visit the website to locate an event near you and join in what all are hoping will be a celebration for heralding in marriage equality in all fifty states.
Bishop Gibbs is a strong supporter of marriage equality. He looks forward in hopeful anticipation to the day when all faithful and covenantal relationships between any two people regardless of sex, both within the Church and within our society are fully recognized. "In my opinion, picking and choosing whose rights should be protected or which civil rights the church will support is neither American "justice for all" nor supported by the God of salvation history. I stand in support of marriage equality and pray that our justice system will work to break down the walls of segregation, promote the humanity of all and calm our irrational fears."
Bishop Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr. is the Tenth Bishop of Michigan's Episcopal Diocese. He attended St. Mary's University & Seminary and Towson State University where he received his B.A. in business administration in 1977. In 1987, he received his Master of Divinity degree from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary. Bishop Gibbs and his wife of 25 years, Karlah Ambrose York, reside in Southeastern Michigan. He is the stepfather of two adult daughters: Eboni York and Amber York; and the proud grandfather of two boys: Isidro and Lu.
Michigan for Marriage has also organized Michigan Faith Leaders for Marriage, a coalition of the leading voices of Michigan's religious community who support the freedom to marry. Visit the website to learn more about this coalition.

"We as African American Christian leaders must value all families, including LGBT families, as we continue to uplift our neighborhoods and communities. African American Christianity is about love and justice, despite recent Detroit media portrayals to the contrary," coalition member Reverend Michael C.R. Nabors, Salem Memorial Lutheran Church, Detroit

"Hateful and condemning language often used by Christian leaders against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people is not part of a loving Christian tradition. We demand the press stop portraying hateful voices as the mainstream Christian voice," coalition member Reverend Matthew Bode, Detroit

"We call on sisters and brothers of the Christian faith, especially pastors, to sign the marriage equality endorsement. All families, including LGBT families need the support of their pastors and churches," coalition member Reverend Lindsey Anderson, Detroit

"We are called as Christian leaders to support marriage equality as an issue of justice and civil rights," coalition member Reverend Patrick Gahagen, Detroit
