
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: Franklin Graham

There are a lot of things about the right-wing universe that don't make a lot of sense to me. The fanatical obsession with the unborn paired with the callous disregard of poor children and their families, for example. The insistence that the Bible [...]

Creep of the Week: Kevin Swanson

The last time I was snacking on some Teddy Grahams I thought to myself, "These little bears sure are cute. Hey, the bear on the box has a t-shirt on, that's weird. He looks more like a human in a bear costume than a real bear. Hey, some gay men [...]

Creep of the Week: Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant

If you live in a state where something shitty is happening, you always have the reassurance that, hey, at least you don't live in Mississippi. When it comes to losing, Mississippi really goes all out. According to MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, [...]

Michigan's unions say NO to Prop. 2

LIVONIA – The Michigan State AFL-CIO announced its formal opposition to Proposal 2, the so-called "marriage amendment," Oct. 6, making it the latest union in Michigan to come out against the proposal. It is also the largest, with over 600,000 [...]

Creep of the Week: Hobby Lobby

It's really amazing that in 2014 Americans are still fighting over birth control. As in whether or not contraception makes Jesus cry, and whether or not health insurance policies should be beholden to His tears. It's also amazing that in 2014 gay [...]

Creep of the Week: Bill Schuette

In 2004 when voters passed the so-called Michigan Marriage Amendment I had been "married" for a little over a year. My wife and I had a wedding on the eve of our 6 year anniversary. We both wore white dresses. Each of our six bridesmaids wore a [...]

Creep of the Week: Gov. Rick Snyder

The Michigan marriage trial, officially known as DeBoer v. Snyder for plaintiff April DeBoer and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, has wrapped up in the courtroom and we're all waiting for U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman to issue his ruling on [...]

Creep of the Week: Steve King

There comes a time in every thinking person's life when he or she has to take a serious look in the mirror and say, "I live in a country where Steve King represents thousands of people in Congress." It's a hard thing to do. And with good reason. [...]

Creep of the Week: Coalition for Family Values

Scott Lively announcing CFV What do you do when you're losing your ideological battle at the national level? Why, you go global! Which is why a group of A-List anti-gay folks have gone and formed the Coalition for Family Values, a group that hopes [...]

Creep of the Week: Ted Cruz

America is a tough place for sensitive men. Crying is forbidden unless a guy wants to be seen as some kind of fag. But there are a few select places where guys can get a pass if they shed a few tears. Weddings, for example. Everybody cries at [...]

Creep of the Week: Gina Miller

Sound the alarm! Radical homosexuals are coming for your God-given rights! And they probably are armed with pie tins full of whipped cream and/or glitter. If you don't want to take my word for it, then surely the words Gina Miller wrote for a Feb. [...]

Creep Of The Week: Peter LaBarbera

LaBarbera, of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, warns, "This is probably The Disney Channel's first 'baby step' into more aggressive homosexual advocacy — which is not unexpected given America's moral decline, but tragic just the same." I [...]