
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: Todd Starnes

I did not watch the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. For one thing, I don't give a shit. For another thing, I'm too old to stay up that late. But I did watch a clip online of the en masse wedding during Macklemore & Ryan Lewis performing "Same Love" [...]

Creep of the Week: Council Nedd II

It is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as I write this, which means that people on the Interwebs are debating about whether or not King would've supported the fight for LGBT civil rights. We can only go on King's teachings, combing though his speeches [...]

Creep of the Week: Chris Christie

We can all sleep easier now knowing that it is still a huge pain in the ass for transgender people in New Jersey to amend their birth certificates. Hero Governor Chris Christie vetoed a bill that would have allowed transgender people to have their [...]

Creep of the Week: Janet Porter

Duck Dynasty is a gift that keeps on giving for the anti-gay right. In case you're like me and don't care about a "reality" show about a rich duck hunting family, I'll fill you in. Phil Robertson, a.k.a. Daddy Duck, said some hateful things about [...]

Creep of the Year: Tony Perkins

As 2013 draws to a close, it seems like all anybody wants to talk about is ducks. Well, let me tell you, I really don't care about Phil Robertson and what he thinks about gay people. I have never seen "Duck Dynasty" and up until now the show has [...]

Dave Agema

Creep Of The Week Have you heard the news? American Airlines gives away free health insurance! Now, I know what you're thinking: "This sounds too good to be true. Where's the catch?" There isn't one! You just have to get AIDS and find a guy who [...]

Les Kinsolving

Creep Of The Week One of the anti-gay right's favorite arguments is that the gays are actually the intolerant ones. It's a pretty laughable premise, actually. When it is proposed that LGBT people shouldn't be protected from workplace [...]

Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Creep Of The Week What's more powerful, Hollywood and Washington D.C. or God? If you don't believe in God, that's easy: Hollywood and D.C., because, duh, they are populated by actual people. But if you believe in God, surely you think He has more [...]

Robert Ritchie

Creep Of The Week It was only a matter of time before someone made the connection between the fact that Illinois now recognizes marriage equality and the fact that Illinois was recently hit by tornadoes. Such a claim is, after all, in the [...]

Thomas John Paprocki

Creep Of The Week What a wonderful day for an exorcism! On Nov. 20 in Springfield, Illinois, Gov. Pat Quinn will sign the bill to legalize marriage for same-sex couples. But not if the head of the city's Roman Catholic diocese can help it! Bishop [...]

Laurie Higgins

Creep Of The Week Hooray for Illinois, the latest state to allow gays and lesbians to get legally married. As People for the American Way points out, that brings the grand total of U.S. states with marriage equality up to a whopping 30 percent. [...]

The Moscow City Government

Photo: Flickr user Pavel Kazachkov Creep Of The Week As you probably already know, Russia is not exactly a paradise for LGBT people. Even talking about being gay is a crime there because it might corrupt children somehow. In fact, the only [...]