
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Ken Cuccinelli

Creep Of The Week Let's say, hypothetically, that you wanted to become Virginia's next governor and you want to find a way to stand out and get noticed. You could run on a job creation platform. You could promise to lower taxes. Or maybe even vow [...]

Up, Up, And A-Gay!

DOUGLAS – On July 13 the city of Douglas was over run with super heroes. Some wore masks, others wore capes, and most wore sunscreen as the colorful crowd moved through the streets in the scorching summer heat. Adults and children alike waved [...]

Pat Robertson

Creep Of The Week Oh, Pat Robertson. He really is trying too hard to present himself as the epitome of angry and dogmatic old man determined to go to his grave on the wrong side of history. It's almost sad, until, of course, he opens his mouth [...]

Greg Quinlan

Creep Of The Week Have you been feeling a little less gay than usual this month? Don't worry, you're not alone. Ever since the Family Research Council declared July "Ex-Gay Pride Month," it's just so damn hard to stay gay these days. This exciting [...]

Tony Perkins

And so it was that the Defense of Marriage Act was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and Prop 8 was dead in California. And the gays did celebrate across the land. Meanwhile, after crying many tears, Family Research Council President [...]

Jim Daly

Creep Of The Week When Exodus International President Alan Chambers announced June 19 that his group, one of the most well known ex-gay rackets in the country, was closing up shop people were stunned. More surprising still was Chambers' apology to [...]

Josh Thomson

Creep Of The Week When it comes to the cage match over LGBT civil rights in the United States, it seems like everyone has an opinion. President Obama, Lady Gaga, the Pope, and Pat Robertson have all gone public with their positions. In other [...]

Robert R. Reilly

Creep of the Week It always comes back to the children. It doesn't matter how or where the conversation starts, if homosexuality is involved someone who is opposed to equality will point to little Susie and Johnny and bemoan their loss of childhood [...]

Setting Captives Free

Creep of the Week There's an app for that. It doesn't even matter what "that" is, because there's an app for everything. You want the photos you take with your $300 phone to look like they were taken with a disposable camera from 1993? There's an [...]

Bryan Fischer

["\n\n Creep of the Week\nDid you hear the news? It's now okay to be a gay Boy Scout. But you still can't be a gay Man Scout. Because as we all know, the second a gay male turns 18 he turns from a child into a child predator. At least on the planet [...]

E. W. Jackson

Creep of the Week Oh, Virginia, you crazy. And if you need proof you need look no further than, E. W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Jackson, along with gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli "are a right wing blog's [...]

Noson Leiter

Creep of the Week The Christian-dominated religious right in America is not exactly known for being BFFs with Jews. I mean, there's that whole "Your people killed Jesus" thing that some people take issue with. And, of course, every religion thinks [...]