
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Dr. Ken Hutcherson

Creep of the Week A few weeks ago if someone had asked you if you knew Jason Collins, you likely would have said no. That is, unless you were a big fan of the Washington Wizards (which I doubt). But today, it seems like Jason Collins is the only [...]

Diocese of Columbus

Creep of the Week Imagine that your mother has just died. This is, for most, a difficult, emotional time. Plus there's so much to take care of: funeral arrangements, notifying friends and relatives, taking care of the estate. Not to mention [...]

Take Your Mama' out to see The Scissor Sisters

Contrary to popular belief, 2004 was not the year of the monkey, it was the year of the Scissor Sisters. And if their current success is any indication, the year of the rooster doesn't have a chance. Though it may be a stretch to call it world [...]

Tony Perkins

Creep of the Week The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy who is not having gay sex. At least this seems to be the line of reasoning the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins is using to both cheer the failure of gun [...]

Alan Keyes

Creep of the Week You know how sometimes you haven't heard from somebody in a while and you just kind of assume that they've crawled under a rock and disappeared from public life for the good of humanity? Well, someone's gone and unearthed Alan [...]

Louie Gohmert

Creep Of The Week There are few topics that raise the collective temperatures of Americans on all sides as much as gun control and gay marriage. At first blush, it seems like the two debates are separate without much to connect them. I mean, [...]

National News Briefs

Politics: Focus on Family demands politicians' records in judge's impeachment COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Focus on the Family is demanding notes, e-mails and phone records from legislators who voted against impeaching a judge involved in a lesbian [...]

Dave Agema

Creep of the Week Facebook's ever-changing privacy settings can be confusing, but you might want to click the "Only Me" setting if you're about to post something completely bat-shit crazy on your wall and are a figure of any public [...]

Sandy Rios

Creep of the Week If there's one thing kids in America hear too often it's how totally cool and fantastic homosexuality is. Once upon a time there was a lot of anti-gay hate in schools: kids would call other kids "fag" and teachers would just look [...]

Andrea Lafferty

Creep of the Week As you may have heard, Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has come out of the closet. Not as gay, but as the father of a gay son. And not only as the father of a gay son, but also as a born-again marriage equality supporter. As you can [...]

Queen Elizabeth II

Creep of the Week Queen Elizabeth II has no direct impact on my life. I'm not one of her "subjects," nor do I follow the obsessive tabloid coverage of what the Royal Family does in their day-to-day lives (granted, I can't help but hear "news" that [...]

An extra ordinary view of extraordinary violence

To call a film extraordinary usually means it is really great, highly recommended, a "must see." That is not what I mean when I call "Elephant" extraordinary. The new film by openly gay filmmaker Gus Van Sant ("Good Will Hunting") is based on the [...]