
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Bryan Fischer

Creep of the Week Happy One Year Anniversary of the Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal, everybody. Well, not happy for everyone, I suppose. There are still plenty of anti-gay bigots out there unhappy about the whole thing. Remember how the letting gays [...]

Rep. Todd Akin

Creep of the Week Okay everybody, I have some really shocking news. I know this is going to really hurt some people, but I can't keep this to myself any longer. Oh, here goes: Being anti-women goes hand in hand with being anti-gay. I thought it [...]

Errol Naidoo

Creep of the Week Earlier this month in South Africa, workers were on strike at a Marikana platinum mine demanding better wages. Police shot their guns into the crowd. Dozens were injured and 34 people are dead. That's in addition to the 10 people [...]

William Owens

Creep of the Week Can we just get one thing clear? If you're black and Christian then the thought of same-sex couples makes you puke and if it doesn't then you are a "Judas" and/or not really black and/or not really Christian. Barack Obama, that [...]

Paul Ryan

Creep of the Week Dear Log Cabin Republicans, We need to talk. It's about your new boyfriend. Look, I know you're all smitten with him and think he's the best thing to happen to you in a long time. But that's only because all of your previous [...]

Louis Sheldon

Gayship Enterprise to base, do you read me? I repeat, Gayship Enterprise to base. We are closing in on our target. The U.S.A. will soon be the U.S.G.H.L., the United States of Gay Homo Lesbos. We have permission to land. That's the kind of message [...]

Bryan Fischer

Creep of the Week Poor Chick-fil-A. The company's president, Dan Cathy, makes a few disparaging remarks about how marriage equality is basically the same thing as punching God in the nuts and then the Muppets break up with the fast food chain and [...]

Judson Phillips

Creep of the Week With Democrats and many Republicans demanding that Mitt Romney release his tax returns, it was only a matter of time before someone, in Romney's defense, called Obama a crack-smoking homo. This someone is Judson Phillips, founder [...]

Jennifer Carroll

Creep of the Week Hey, did you know that Florida's Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll does stand-up comedy? Here's a snippet from her act: Q: How many black lesbians does it take to change a light bulb? A: I don't know, but no doubt they'll all [...]

Lou Engle

Creep of the Week The zombie apocalypse is coming. Or, more specifically, the ex-gay zombie apocalypse. In Lou Engle's dreams at least. Literally. Speaking recently to a group of teen and young adult anti-gay Christians, Engle, founder of TheCall, [...]

Chuck Norris

Creep of the Week Have you heard the news? President Obama hates the Boy Scouts of America and wants to make all of the boys involved into a bunch of pansy liberal gay homos. And oh say can you see who made such a claim? Why, America's Ultimate [...]


Creep of the Week There are some folks in this world who just don't understand gay Republicans. I am not one of them. Though I should make clear that by "understand" I mean "acknowledge the rightful existence of" and not that I can make sense of [...]