
Phillip Hinkle

Creep of the Week If I close my eyes and try really hard, I can almost transport myself back to a time when gay sex scandals involving anti-gay Republicans [...]

Same gender means some problems

By Leslie Robinson General Gayety You might enter into a same-sex relationship thinking you know all the troubles that lie ahead. Discrimination, rejection [...]

Bachmann-Perry overdrive: You ain't seen nothing yet

Viewpoint It's months before the first primary and the rhetoric coming from declared and potential GOP candidates has already kicked into overdrive. Despite [...]

Progress and sports

Compiled By Howard Israel S/he Said "There has been a tremendous amount of important progress over the last few years. But the kind of momentum we're seeing [...]

Rick Santorum

Creep of the Week I have to admit, Rick Santorum has good reason not to like gay people. I mean, with the help of Dan Savage, one of the leaders of the [...]

SOS Greets St. Peter

Parting Glances It must have been a slow news night, midweek, last week. Either that or the powers that be behind the scenes in the TV newsroom have a warped [...]

Michigan is one of the most stagnant states in the country when it comes to our rights. What do you think we can do to push things along?

Heard on Facebook I believe the most important action we can take is to live as if we have all the rights of everyone else. We need to marry if that is what [...]

H2O! (HOPE to Order)

Parting Glances The temperature Friday, 1:30 p.m., is a sun-bleaching 85 degrees. I could use an ice-cold bottle of water. Free. Handed out with a smile by [...]

Heroes, culture

S/he Said "They didn't establish (Dumbledore) as a heterosexual, so finding out he's gay isn't a change, it's just further information. Filling in the [...]