
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Joe Haveman

Creep of the Week You know, if you would have asked me a year ago what the most terrible state in the nation for lesbians or gays I would not have said Michigan. I mean, yes, Michigan would have made the list, but not at the coveted #1 spot. Well, [...]

Tony Perkins

Creep of the Week Hello everyone, are you enjoying your officially sanctioned Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month? Having a gay old time ruining life for straight people everywhere, especially the traditionally married [...]

Bryan Fischer

Creep of the Week Anti-gay stalwart Bryan Fischer got out a copy of Webster's Dictionary so that he could remind any and all who have not yet fallen under the spell of the "Homosexual Agenda" that discrimination is actually a good thing. According [...]

Tony Perkins

Creep of the Week I wince every time I see Tony Perkins's face on TV. Perkins, the president of the vehemently anti-gay Family Research Council, often has a microphone shoved in his face whenever there's a marriage equality story. It's as if [...]

Charles L. Worley

Creep of the Week It should be a surprise to no sentient being that by coming out in favor of marriage equality; President Obama opened the floodgates for the anti-gay crazies. Mind you, this is not his fault, nor is it really a bad thing. I mean, [...]

Mitt Romney

Creep of the Week As you surely already know, President Obama came out of the closet last week as totally gay – for gay marriage, anyway. Obama's support for marriage equality had been, let's face it, an open secret of sorts. I mean, everybody [...]

Creep of the Week: Sean Harris

Sean Harris Pop quiz time: Your son, barely out of diapers, starts acting a little, well, "girly." What do you do? If you answered, "Punch him in the face" you just might be North Carolina pastor Sean Harris or one of his congregants. Because [...]

State Rep. Jeremy Faison

Creep of the Week Suicide is one of those things with no positives. I mean, no one kills him or herself because things are going well. Even assisted suicide, intended to have the positive outcome of allowing someone to die with dignity, is [...]

Creep of the Week: Heather Wilson

I've been reading about Kenneth Weishuhn, a 14-year-old who recently took his own life after reportedly enduring death threats after coming out as gay at school. Especially heartbreaking was that, according to the Huffington Post, Weishuhn had a [...]

James Loomer

Creep of the Week Have you heard the one about the National Day of Silence? Here's the set up: A teen walks into her high school. A few of her friends are all, "What's up, girl?" And she's all, "…" And they're like, "What's your problem?" And she [...]

Rep. Steve King (R-IA)

Creep of the Week Oh, Steve King. You are a royal creep, indeed. A longstanding foe of LGBT people and anyone who sees LGBT people as, oh I don't know, human, King has once again opened his joker of a mouth to say something incredibly [...]

Anti-gay campaigns fail in Republican primary

LANSING – Mud-slinging is nothing new in politics, but Michigan's primary election saw an unprecedented amount of anti-gay campaigning. The issue of gay and lesbian rights, specifically marriage, was front and center in a race that garnered a very [...]