
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Proposition 8 Legal Defense team

Creep of the Week Hey, did you hear the one about the judge who ruled against Prop 8 in California being a homo? And how his ruling shouldn't count because he's gay? LOL, am I right? Actually, the idea that a gay judge can't be trusted to make a [...]

Keith Ablow

Creep of the Week Full disclosure: I do not watch "Dancing With the Stars." In fact, I can't even say I've ever intentionally viewed it unless you count a YouTube clip of Bristol Palin dancing in a gorilla mask. And then there was the time I was [...]

Rick Santorum

Creep of the Week Say what you want about Republicans, but they sure do keep us in suspense about how high the homophobic ceiling is inside of their "big tent." I once interviewed Dan Savage and asked him if anyone ever reacted negatively when he [...]

Sally Kern

Creep of the Week With the tenth anniversary of Sept. 11 behind us it's important to reflect on the state of national security. For weeks now, pundits have been waxing philosophically about whether or not America is truly safer today than it was a [...]

Rick Perry

Creep of the Week So how about that Gov. Rick Perry, eh? Awesome alert! Am I right? "I wish Rick Perry was my daddy and/or boyfriend," say all gays everywhere, obviously. Not that Perry is gay. In fact, he recently pinkie swore that he wasn't gay [...]

Dave Agema

Creep of the Week There's one thing you can say about the state of Michigan: it's too friendly to gays. I mean, yes, it's still legal in Michigan to be fired for being gay. And second-parent adoptions aren't available, meaning that kids with gay [...]

Roberto Arango

Creep of the Week I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Puerto Rican Sen. Roberto Arango on his weight loss. I realize that, right now, Arango is in the international spotlight for "sexier" things, namely posting nude photos of [...]

Michele Bachmann

Creep of the Week My dear Gaymericans, it has come to my attention that there is some concern about a woman named Michele Bachmann. The scuttlebutt is that she's anti-gay and possibly insane and that should the End of Days occur and she become [...]

Phillip Hinkle

Creep of the Week If I close my eyes and try really hard, I can almost transport myself back to a time when gay sex scandals involving anti-gay Republicans were shocking. Well, "shocking" is maybe too strong. How about "surprising" or even [...]

Rick Santorum

Creep of the Week I have to admit, Rick Santorum has good reason not to like gay people. I mean, with the help of Dan Savage, one of the leaders of the Homosexual Cabal, gays changed the definition of "Santorum" from a politician who is full of [...]

Sally Kern

Creep of the Week Haters gon' hate, am I right? And according to Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern, the most hateful thing you can say to a gay person is that they're okay the way they are. In a July 27 radio interview with the American Family [...]

Bryan Fischer

Creep of the Week Like many gay and lesbian Americans I've been proudly watching videos and news stories about same-sex couples getting to – finally! – legally wed in New York. I got especially choked up reading about the first couple in the state [...]