
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Creep of the Week: Pope Benedict XVI

You know, whenever I'm in the market for marriage advice, the only person I trust is an unmarried guy in a dress. It also helps if he was also once a Hitler Youth. So you can imagine that whenever Pope Benedict XVI starts dishing out the marriage [...]

Amy Koch

Creep of the Week It's always sad to watch a person self-destruct. Especially when that self-destruction is happening in that person's pants. Minnesota Senator Amy Koch recently stepped down as Senate Majority Leader after it was discovered that [...]

Chuck Norris

Creep of the Week It's no secret that Chuck Norris is a physical force to be reckoned with. So if you're gay, stay out of his way. Because he doesn't like you very much. I'm not saying he would kick your ass. I'm just saying he could. Easily. I [...]

Rick Perry

Creep of the Week You don't have to be a political scientist to recognize that Texas Governor Rick Perry is an ignorant prick. But I've got to hand it to him: he knows how to get people talking. Granted, they're talking about what an ignorant [...]

David Usher

Creep of the Week Marriage between same-sex couples has, to say the least, become a complicated social issue. Mind you, it shouldn't be complicated. But it's hard for some folks to wrap their brains around the idea of a lady wanting to marry [...]


Creep of the Week Attention gays: recently paroled felon and rapper T.I. thinks you are too sensitive. And maybe he's right. Maybe years of being treated like second-class citizens and being accused of and equated with with pedophilia and [...]

Tamara Scott

Creep of the Week Bravo to Michele Bachmann for her newly appointed Iowa co-chair Tamara Scott, a woman who will no doubt help woo anti-gay Iowans to Bachmann's dimly lit camp. Scott, who is a director for the Concerned Women of America, a group [...]

Jerry Cox

Creep of the Week Newsflash: homosexuality and pedophilia are not the same things. Equating the two makes as much sense as equating adopting a pet kitty from a shelter with luring a stray into your yard so you can torture and kill him. Surely [...]

Creep of the Week: Michigan's Republican State Senators

Everyone knows that bullying is wrong. It is awful to be bullied and a person who is a bully isn't exactly a poster-child for a happy and healthy well-adjusted individual. There has to be something wrong with you to have such callous disdain for [...]

Creep of the Week: Linda Wall

Once upon a time there was a lesbian gym teacher (shocking, I know). More specifically, that time was the early 1970s and that gym teacher was Linda Wall, who is now an Independent candidate running for state office in Virginia. Mind you, Wall's [...]

Creep of the Week: Linda Harvey

Your son just fell off the monkey bars, shattering a kneecap and busting out some teeth. Your kid is screaming in pain, blood all over his face, and you're trying to calm them down on the ambulance ride to the hospital saying, "It's okay, you're [...]

John Boehner

Creep of the Week The Defense of Marriage Act makes John Boehner weep. Not because of how sadistically cruel it is to gays and lesbians, nor how unconstitutional. No, DOMA makes him weep because he is in love with it. I dare say that Boehner wants [...]