
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Hear Me Out

Scissor Sisters by Scissor Sisters (Universal) Disco is alive and well if the Scissor Sisters are any indication. The New York based Sisters are already huge in Europe, which is no surprise since comparisons to Elton John, David Bowie, and Roxy [...]

Rocking out for democracy

WARREN – Detroit artist Barbara Payton will be rocking out for democracy on Aug. 20 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren. Payton, performer Trixie Deluxxe, author and lecturer Marianne Williamson, and Adrian Boney of the Human Rights Campaign [...]

National Organization for Marriage

Creep of the Week Hey girlfriend, what are you wearing to the race war? Some sexy camouflage chaps, perhaps? A rainbow stripped Kevlar vest? Wait, haven't you heard? The National Organization for Marriage is sponsoring some big gay people vs black [...]

Pat Robertson

Creep of the Week Congratulations, Pat Robertson, for being chosen as Creep of the Week. There were a lot of outstanding candidates this week, but I chose you. Why? Alas, it's not because you're special. In truth, it's because I'm tired. I've been [...]

Creep of Week: Rush Limbaugh

Creep of the Week Poor Rush Limbaugh. Can't a guy even call a girl a slut on the radio these days without people getting all mad? It's not like he called a private citizen a prostitute, and then said she should post videos online of all the sex [...]

Utah Legislature

Creep of the Week Yes! Utah is on a fast track to becoming the first sex-free state in the country. I know, I know, a lot of people already thought it was. But the status was never official. Thanks to Utah's legislators (dominated by Republicans. [...]

Creep of the Week: Kirk Cameron

On March 2 Kirk Cameron was on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight for some reason. To many viewers it must have come as quite a shock that he was still alive (that was Corey Haim, folks). But if you want to get people talking about you again, your best bet [...]

Rick Santorum

Creep of the Week America loves a circus. Doesn't even matter if it's ethical. Tigers locked in cages all day? Elephants viciously whipped? We don't care. We want to see big cats jump through hoops of fire and the world's largest mammal stand on [...]

Chris Christie

Creep of the Week Well, marriage equality was nearly realized in New Jersey. But one guy stood in the way. And that one guy was Governor Chris Christie who vetoed the legislation when it landed on his desk. Granted, his veto was no surprise. [...]

One Million Moms

Creep of the Week Lest there be any confusion, this week's Creep is not just a million random ladies with kids. One Million Moms is an affiliate of the American Family Association. So you can imagine how much these moms love homos. OMM loves homos [...]

Stacey Campfield

Creep of the Week There are a lot of things wrong with State Senator Stacey Campfield (R-Tennessee). Mainly mouth things and brain things, as in the thoughts he has and the things he says out loud. Sadly, because he's a state legislator, those [...]

Patrick Wooden

Creep of the Week Holy shit. And I mean that literally. Because Patrick Wooden is both a pastor and a man whose imagination is wildly scatological, at least when it comes to the gays. Wooden is a North Carolina pastor and an outspoken, to say the [...]