
Our Civil Rights Paradox

By Abby Dees Thinking Out Loud I've often thought I should write a column called, "Weird Things Lawyers Do," to explain to normal people why attorneys, like [...]

Pages past tense #8

Parting Glances Fifty years ago Detroit's Washington Boulevard was a busy setting for exclusive shops, upscale restaurants, elegant bistros, stretching [...]

Presidential progress

By Eric W. Rader SpeakOut In his three years as president, Barack Obama has taken a number of actions to advance LGBT equality in the United States. Only one [...]

State Rep. Jeremy Faison

Creep of the Week Suicide is one of those things with no positives. I mean, no one kills him or herself because things are going well. Even assisted suicide, [...]

The rues have changed

By Gwendolyn Ann Smith Transmissions If you happen to be transgender, then you have a reason to celebrate: the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) [...]

A familiar issue needs to vent

By Leslie Robinson General Gayety I'm Gay Marriage, and I'm mad. Those alleged experts over at the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press–and [...]

Creep of the Week: Heather Wilson

I've been reading about Kenneth Weishuhn, a 14-year-old who recently took his own life after reportedly enduring death threats after coming out as gay at [...]

Rainbows and Glee

Compiled by Howard Israel S/he Said "Do I really think that this is the kind of thing that's contagious? I don't know. When I was a teenager and I saw James [...]

Same-Sex Wedding Gospel

Parting Glances 1. In the Year of the Grand Delusion, during the Reign of Lost War Rumors, a decree went out from the Tetrarch of Theocracy, abiding in the [...]

Coming out, latest research

Compiled by Howard Israel S/he Said "Bisexuality made sense to me, in theory, before I ever kissed a girl. And this was pre-Madonna kissing Britney Spears, [...]