
Universal discrimination

by Gwendolyn Ann Smith Viewpoint A transgender woman, Jenna Talackova, ended up as a finalist in the Miss Universe Canada pageant, likely the first known [...]

Parenting, religion and remembering Adrienne Rich

Compiled by Howard Israel S/he Said "The idea that I would be immediately disappointed/angry/suicidal that my son identifies as gay offends me, both as a [...]

Free Speech

By Eric W. Rader Speak Out The United States Constitution grants every citizen the right to say what she or he believes, without fear of being censored or [...]

In a Family Way

By Abby Dees Thinking Out Loud If you're like me, you don't think a whole lot about birth control. You probably don't have much heterosexual sex, though I [...]

One snappy fairy tale

Parting Glances "Your condition can be changed using this box of amazing cure-alls," hOOty hOOted Dr. Exodus Barn Owl, shoving a package of Miracle Elastics, [...]

Pat Robertson

Creep of the Week Congratulations, Pat Robertson, for being chosen as Creep of the Week. There were a lot of outstanding candidates this week, but I chose [...]

Starbucks, Santorum and Savage

Compiled by Howard Israel S/he Said "Any decision of this type or magnitude has to be made with great thoughtfulness and I would assure you that a senior [...]

What do you think of the controversy "Growing Pains" star Kirk Cameron ignited when he said that being gay was "unnatural" and "destructive"?

Heard on Facebook "Unnatural" and "destructive?" Kind of like his acting. HEY-OHHH -Chaz Brackx He's a little homoskeptical in my opinion. -Curtis Ray To be [...]

Claiming a bi-place

By Emily Dievendorf Eye on Equality The first time I was called "greedy" it was by a drag queen at the Michigan Pride Festival. She wasn't talking to me [...]

Creep of Week: Rush Limbaugh

Creep of the Week Poor Rush Limbaugh. Can't a guy even call a girl a slut on the radio these days without people getting all mad? It's not like he called a [...]

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Located on 290 acres on the banks of the beautiful Huron River, Michigan Memorial Park encompasses…
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Affirmations Background
Affirmations is the community center for LGBTQ+ people and their allies serving the Detroit Metro…
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Attention Couples: Resolve to stop Fighting now. Get the intimacy, joy and understanding YOU…
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