
James Loomer

Creep of the Week Have you heard the one about the National Day of Silence? Here's the set up: A teen walks into her high school. A few of her friends are [...]

Michigan's "moderate" governor no friend of labor

By Eric W. Rader Viewpoint Michigan voters will have a lot to consider when they go to the polls this November. In addition to electing a president, citizens [...]

Pages past tense #7

Parting Glances There was a time – oh, so long, long. long ago – when I would stand on Hub Grill corner in downtown Detroit and within five flattering and [...]

Heard on Facebook: One Million Moms outraged over a same-sex kiss in Urban Outfitters

It looks as if Urban Outfitters is using the photograph to appeal to young men who want to watch two women kiss. When that's the intent, we can forget about [...]

Marriage, Coming Out

Compiled by Howard Israel S/he Said "I know there will be some who argue that this is not the time, that there's already too much at stake in this year's [...]

NOM's Marriage Strategy

By Abby Dees Thinking Out Loud Is anyone really shocked about the revelations from the recently released internal memorandum from the National Organization [...]

Pages Past Tense #6

Parting Glances I was 19 the summer I graduated from Cass Tech. I flunked courses, staying an extra two-class semester. Once free from studies, living at [...]

Rep. Steve King (R-IA)

Creep of the Week Oh, Steve King. You are a royal creep, indeed. A longstanding foe of LGBT people and anyone who sees LGBT people as, oh I don't know, [...]

National Organization for Marriage

Creep of the Week Hey girlfriend, what are you wearing to the race war? Some sexy camouflage chaps, perhaps? A rainbow stripped Kevlar vest? Wait, haven't you [...]

Pages past tense #5

Parting Glances During my Cass Tech High freshman year I was active in the Voice of Christian Youth, a nationwide evangelical outreach that held rallies "on [...]

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