
Creep of the Week: Donald Trump

June may be Pride Month, but it is't official any more. Not since Donald Trump became the president. He has never issued an official proclamation declaring [...]

Civil Unrest Now and Then

As someone who participated in the Stonewall riots back in June 1969, many people have been asking me the similarities between that event and the events, civil [...]

Parting Glances: Fundies! Go Fly Ben Franklin's Kite!

If one person single-handedly pushed this country into a War of Independence from England, it is patriot and pamphleteer Thomas Paine (1737 – 1809). His book [...]

Parting Glances: A magic moment recalled!

About a dozen days ago tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow — at my age how can I be sure? — I was gifted with a pair of John Lennon enchantment [...]

Creep of the Week: Racism

I'm writing this on June 1, the beginning of Pride month. Simultaneously, across the country people are protesting and tensions are escalating over the issue [...]

Living in the Shadow of COVID: Caring for Our Communities

I ended our Mother's Day FaceTime conversation with my son telling me to be careful and stay safe. As I sat in my solitude, I thought about the irony of him [...]

Parting Glances: A stroke in time

It was a year ago this Memorial Day 2020 that I had a stroke and spent two weeks in Detroit Receiving Hospital and a month in physical rehab in the Senior Care [...]

Creep of the Week: Alex Azar

At the time of this writing, 89,564 people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. An uninterrupted moment of silence for each person would last 62 days. And yet [...]

Living in the Shadow of COVID-19: Sowing Seeds for My New Normal

It wasn't until the governor's declaration that we had to stay home that I stayed home. I had been following the progression of the pandemic, but I had decided [...]