
Positive Thoughts: Finding Hope in 'Crystal City'

In the trailer for the new feature-length documentary film "Crystal City," Rob, who is living with HIV and four years sober, says that during his time dealing [...]

Creep of the Week: Trump Administration

Public Service Announcement: Wash your hands – more than you already do. And get yourself a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls and swab down your [...]

Creep of the Week: Iowa House Republicans

  By Source, Fair use, When I was in elementary school I was taught that the Mayflower landed at Cape [...]

Parting Glances: A CT Black History Remembrance

As an emerging gay teenager, I attended Cass Technical High School where I was fortunate to soon discover there were others like myself in the process of [...]

Positive Thoughts: I'm a Beautiful Black Queen Living With HIV, Not Stigma

By Porchia Dees I am a Beautiful Black Queen Living with HIV. It has taken a long time for me to come to terms with that statement, because the concepts of [...]

Creep of the Week: Steven Hotze

  When I went to the library recently there was a black man, maybe in his 30s, standing outside collecting signatures. Being civic-minded and nosey, I [...]

A Hair-Raising Talk of Race, Sex and Gender

While I typically write about trans issues, this particular column will not start with a story about a transgender or nonbinary person. Rather, it begins with [...]

Parting Glances: Dopplegangers, Big 10 and Me

As a recent resident of the Henry Ford Senior Retirement Village Community, consisting of some 800 units — I live in Berkshire Gardens — I have had some [...]