
Canes, Walkers and Rehabilitations

My brand-name watch battery quit after six years of service. I replaced it last week for another six years of second-by-second, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, [...]

Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Silent Shame

Warning: this column may contain content that may be triggering for some readers. This past year in my practice, I began to see both male and female clients [...]

Creep of the Week: Donald Trump

By the time you read this, the U.S. may be at war with Iran and/or World War III may have begun because we have the dumbest, most impulsive and selfish [...]

How the Trump 'Medical Conscience' Rule is Harming LGBTQ Liberty

In November a federal district judge in New York found that the Trump Administration lied. The Court also held that the Administration had overstepped its [...]

Happy Holidays and Some News from BTL

By Publishers Jan Stevenson and Susan Horowitz As we approach the holiday season we are excited to share with you our plans for the coming year. After 26 years [...]

Creep of the Week: Donald Trump

This impeachment stuff is stressing me out. Donald Trump keeps screaming that this whole thing is very bad for the country. And he is right! Impeaching a [...]

Mombian: Holiday Gift Guide to LGBTQ Children's Books

It's time for my annual gift guide to some of the year's best LGBTQ-inclusive children's picture books! There were happily more books published this year than [...]

The Trans Body

Transphobia, like homophobia, isn't generally using the suffix "-phobia" to mean "fear," but to mean "aversion." It's the same notion as hydrophobic surfaces [...]

Creep of the Week: Scott Lively

My youngest sister just got married. To a man. Though she's chosen the heterosexual lifestyle, I accept her. I visited my local Hallmark store to get the [...]