
For Trans Kids, Fiction Books Are Not the Enemy But the Solution to Living Authentically

This is a difficult, scary time for the transgender community. There are currently more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ laws being proposed that focus at least in part on [...]

West Virginia Lawmakers Scramble to Protect Women From… 12-Year-Old Becky?

Another day, another mass shooting in the United States. Actually, that’s being optimistic as there have been more mass shootings than there have been [...]

Cis School Shooters Aren’t Identified By Their Gender. So Why Was the Covenant Shooter Called Out for Being Trans? 

The team at Stand With Trans was devastated to learn of the shooting at Covenant School in Nashville on March 27. We were horrified for the victims and their [...]

Right-Wing Uproar Over Drag Queens Inspires Nazi Idiot to Firebomb Church

They say you can tell a lot about a man by what motivates him to firebomb a building. And if the man says his motivation was a drag queen story hour, that tells [...]

I Witnessed Gov. Whitmer Sign Off on LGBTQ+ Protections in Lansing and, Yes, Of Course There Was Crying

Full disclosure: I have at least a dozen photos of myself standing next to Governor Whitmer since she was Candidate Whitmer in 2018. The first was taken at a [...]

Hero Parent Challenges Christian Fascist Book Ban in the Most Epic Way Imaginable

The concerted effort to ban books that offend Christian fascist sensibilities rages on across the United States.While I suspect the 2023 numbers will be even [...]

Hurricane of Hate Washes Over Florida, Delighting Republicans

I have to be honest, I have not been keeping up with the recent “Trump is going to jail" news. What I do know is that Trump is running to be prez again [...]

Celebrating a Major LGBTQ+ Michigan Victory in the Face of Ongoing Anti-Queer Attacks

With Gov. Whitmer holding a signing ceremony in Lansing this week, members of Michigan’s LGBTQ+ community were given a major milestone to celebrate while [...]

Log Cabin Republicans: We Hate Ourselves to Own the Libs

In the grand tradition of the Log Cabin Republicans siding with people who hate them, they have asked far-right commentator and self-proclaimed internet troll [...]

So About Christian Conservative 'Rapper' Bryson Gray’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Diss Track: I Don’t Know Her

They say you learn something new every day, and today I learned about Bryson Gray, a rapper (I’m using that word loosely) and social commentator (using [...]

Op-Ed: On Trans Issues, The New York Times Is Not the Real Enemy

Last week found me in London for what turned out to be three major speaking events. It also came in the wake of what I believe is one of the most horrible of [...]

Marco Rubio Wants To Re-Ban Trans Service Members, Protect Military From Pronouns

I’m currently in Florida visiting my sister and my in-laws who live here for some reason. I mean, I know there are good things about Florida. But this [...]