Why We’re Endorsing Kamala Harris for President in 2024
Our community deserves hope, dignity and, especially, a break from political tactics designed to break our spirits, erase us from the pages of history and [...]
Why I Vote: Championing Equality and Justice in the 2024 Election
Ahead of the 2024 general election, Pride Source asked community leaders to weigh in on the important issues facing the Michigan LGBTQ+ community. Jay Kaplan, [...]
The Power of Participation: Mobilizing Michigan’s LGBTQ+ Community Aged 45 and Up for the Upcoming Election
Ahead of the 2024 general election, Pride Source asked community leaders to weigh in on the important issues facing the Michigan LGBTQ+ community. Angela [...]
Don’t Let Donald Trump Dunk the United States in Boiling Oil. Vote, For the Love of Monét.
I’m in Philadelphia visiting my sister as I write this. I arrived yesterday, the same day that disgraced former president and super-felon Donald Trump [...]
Why Gay Men Should Feel Seen in a Black Woman President
I didn’t make my first Black friend until eighth grade — a girl named Danisha Melendez, who sat in front of me in Language Arts. We constantly [...]
Donald Trump and Republicans Banking on Anti-Trans Attacks to Win This Election
As I write this, I am watching the Detroit Lions game against the Dallas Cowboys with my son. Football is not my thing. That is an understatement considering it [...]
Trump and Vance: Immigrants Are to Blame for Everything Wrong, Don’t Fact Check Us
It’s almost midnight on a Sunday and I really, really wish that I was fast asleep but, alas, I am not. And it sucks.My battle with insomnia has been going [...]
Log Cabin Republicans Think LGBTQ+ People Have It Too Good In America
I have long had nothing but contempt for Log Cabin Republicans. But after reading LCR President Charles Moran’s opinion piece in Newsweek, my immediate [...]
Mark Robinson Is Emblematic of the Hypocrisy of the Entire Republican Party
For the past few years, I’ve heard people say Republicans have a “candidate quality” problem. In other words, that Republicans are losing [...]
Donald Trump Hates Taylor Swift, Loves Laura Loomer. We'll See How That Works Out For Him.
OK, so let me see if I have this right. Disgraced former president Donald Trump hates Taylor Swift, one of the most beloved people in the country.Swift, as I am [...]
Evil Isn’t Real. Guns and Murder Are. Yet Republicans Do Nothing.
I don’t believe in evil. When people commit horrific acts there are always those who claim that such acts are “evil.” They are not. They are [...]
Trump’s Claim That Transgender Kids Get Surgeries At School Should Disqualify Him From Office
Can we all just agree that Donald Trump is the absolute worst?Haha. I kid. Not about him being the worst. He is trash. But I know that we cannot all agree on [...]