
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

Marcus Bachmann

Creep of the Week Marcus Bachmann and the Christian counseling clinics he owns are not anti-gay. And if you say they are then you're just an anti-hetero hate crimer. Stop hate criming, gays! So hateful, gays are, about people who are just trying [...]

Linda Harvey

If there's anything I love it's a good ol' Nazi allusion. It's the ultimate argument winner. All you have to do is link your opponent and Nazis in your audience's mind and you're golden. You don't even have to have facts or logic or any shred of [...]

Vicky Hartzler

Creep of the Week Gays are a bunch of crybabies. Yeah, I said it. And you know what that took? Courage. And you know who knows about courage? Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-MO, that's who. No, she didn't come right out and say that gays were crybabies, [...]

Pat Robertson

Creep of the Week Nothing brings the creeps out of the woodwork like pro marriage equality. The good news out of New York has gotten some people fired up. And by "fire" I mean, of course, Hell-fire. It comes as no surprise that Pat Robertson is [...]

Kim Haynes

Creep of the Week Remember back in the day when black people couldn't swim in public pools because white people didn't want to catch being black? Luckily that doesn't happen any more. Well, save a minor incident where 60 black kids were kicked out [...]

Tracy Morgan

Creep of the Week Imagine you paid money to see some stand up comedy and the comedian was totally hilarious. He had this amazing bit about homosexuality where he said that gays are pussies for whining about bullying and that "Born This Way" was [...]

American Family Association

Creep of the Week Well, it's June, which means it's officially Gay Pride Month. And I do mean official. President Obama declared it himself, which I think is a pretty important endorsement. Not only is June time to come out of the closet, it's time [...]

Gary Cass

Creep of the Week By now you're probably familiar with the It Gets Better Project, but in case you're not, here's a little refresher. It Gets Better was started by Dan Savage after a spate of suicides following anti-gay bullying. Savage and his [...]

Stacey Campfield

Creep of the Week Ah, yes. The joys of sex education. I think all of us have fond memories of that day in fifth or sixth grade when the boys got shuffled into one room, the girls in another. Filmstrips were watched and everyone got a little [...]

Dwight Probasco

Creep of the Week When Wasilla High School Principal Dwight Probasco told the jazz choir they could not perform Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" at graduation, the kids in the choir got kind of pissed off. After all, they'd been working on the song all [...]

Linda Harvey

Creep of the Week Calling all homos: do you live near anyone facing foreclosure? Well, the least you can do is help them move because it turns out that losing their home is all your fault. Or at least that's where the twisted logic of Mission [...]

Teonna Monae Brown

Creep of the Week There are plenty of reasons why Chrissy Lee Polis, a 22-year-old transgender woman should have thought twice about going to McDonald's on April 18. Pick just about any item off the menu, really. High fat, the empty calories, the [...]