
D'Anne Witkowski

D'Anne Witkowski is a writer living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.

William Donohue

Creep of the Week Are all Catholic priests child molesters? No, of course not. Are some Catholic priests child molesters? Yes, indeed. But you know what? There are child molesters in schools and in other religious organizations and stuff, so we [...]

Bob Vander Plaats

A common talking point of anti-gay activists is that being gay is a public health risk. Whether trying to derail anti-discrimination legislation, protesting against letting gays marry each other, or trying to shut down a GSA at a local high school, [...]

Joe Wilson

Creep of the week Oh, Joe Wilson, shut up. I'm sorry. That was childish. Then again, that's apparently the level of discourse Wilson operates on. He is, after all, the guy who shouted, "You lie!" during the president's address to Congress two [...]

Matt Barber

Creep of the Week Have you punched a gay middle-schooler for Christ today? Well, you'd better do it fast, because Barack Obama is trying to take this God-given duty and religious right away from you. It's no secret that LGBT students get bullied at [...]

Victoria Jackson

Creep of the week I used to love Saturday Night Live when I was a kid. By far one of my favorite cast members was Victoria Jackson. I thought she was hilarious. Granted, she mostly played the same ditzy blonde character in every skit, but she did [...]

Peter Sprigg

Creep of the Week We've all heard the argument that letting gays and lesbians marry will "hurt" heterosexual marriages. Or our country. Or children. Actual support for these claims is less readily available. Often those making the argument will [...]

New Weight Watchers sessions beginning at Affirmations

FERNDALE – A frequent New Year's resolution is to eat better and lose some weight. Many people make such a pledge and find that they often don't have the support system needed to stick to it. For those people who find themselves making and breaking [...]

The community that works together stays together

Board members, staff, and executive directors from Project YES, Ruth Ellis Center, Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center, Triangle Foundation, and the American Friends Service Committee LGBT Project came together Dec. 6 for an intensive [...]

Rick Santorum

Creep of the Week I'm sure glad my last name isn't Santorum. For one thing, I wouldn't want to be related to Rick Santorum. For another thing, his name means "The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex." [...]

John Boehner

Creep of the Week Well, he did it. President Barack Obama announced his administration will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, essentially firing up the big Gay Bat Signal over America, letting gays know that it's finally safe [...]

Vision America

Creep of the Week Every year, the annual Conservative Political Action Conference is a hot bed of anti-gay ranting. CPAC 2011 was no exception, despite the fact that GOProud, a gay Republican organization that thinks the Log Cabin Republicans are [...]

Brent Bozell

"Homosexual activists" are at it again. Just when you thought it was safe to watch prime time TV, gay propagandists have taken airwaves and are doing everything they can to make teenagers gay. At least that's what Brent Bozell wants you to believe. [...]